After seeing only a couple of tourists during the past 9 weeks in China and North Vietnam it was a bit of a shock to be surrounded suddenly by hundreds of…
In the last evening in China I had a flat tire outside a hall selling equipment for banana farmers and got invited to sleep in on 150cm stack of foam. The…
I saw hundreds of people having a massive feast under a highway, got curious and went to have a look what was going on. Apparently the whole village was invited to…
I had just enough time on my visa to make a detour to this deep faced valley leading down from the mountains. The day started at 1700m and ended at 350m.…
These lads invited me to share their lunch with me! As a guest I had the privilege of eating he head of the duck. #biketouring #China #Yunnan #December2015…
Hills of Yunnan are beautiful and roads scenic. Apart from the rest of the mountainous China there are no tunnels at all south from Kunming and roads follow mountain ridges and…
My visa ticking out after staying still sick for 8 days I hopped on a bus to Kunming, which is located around 500km from the border of Vietnam. In Kunming I…